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Horizontal Driving Holster Open Top
Finally - a horizontal holster that's convenient and comfortable to wear if sitting for extended per..
Price: $97.99
Product #: BHLDHOT
Horizontal Driving Holster
Finally - a horizontal holster that's convenient and comfortable to wear if sitting for extended per..
Price: $107.99
Product #: BHLDHTB
El Catrin (Well-Dressed)
El Catrin - the well-dressed; dandy. The ultimate in dress design, the classic El Catrin is a ..
Price: $168.00
Product #: BHLEX
Full Flap Leather Holster
A full flapped leather holster made for both revolvers and semi-automatics. Available in dark che..
Price: $198.00
Product #: BHLFHL
The Jeremiah Longknife Holster Rig
Shown is a specially designed rig for champion cowboy action shooter Jeremiah Longknife. This rig ha..
Price: $597.50
Product #: BHLJL
The Korupt Karl Rig
This fast draw rig has been tested in the field by many SASS shooters and competitors. This is a rig..
Price: $596.00
Product #: BHLKK
The Wild Bunch Holster Rig
This rig was specifically designed by top shooters when The Wild Bunch category was introduced by th..
Price: $397.80
Product #: BHLKKWB
Hand Carved Luger Holster
This custom leather hand carved gun holster is styled to carry the popular S&W Ruger, the Browni..
Price: $247.50
Product #: BHLLH
Military Holster System
Our new military holster system is the US Armed Forces standard issue holster. Battle-proven from th..
Price: $147.50
Product #: BHLM12H
Military Magazine System
Our double magazine pouch is an accessory for our US Armed Forces military rig holster system. Trim ..
Price: $67.50
Product #: BHLM12M
Military Rig Holster System
Our new military holster system is the US Armed Forces standard issue holster. Battle-proven from th..
Price: $247.50
Product #: BHLM12R
Military Holster
A military flapped holster made for both revolvers and semi-automatics. Also available in a FU..
Price: $177.00
Product #: BHLMH
Mare's Leg Western Rig
Designed to carry the Mare's Leg pistol in a full Mexican Loop style holster, this holster is fully-..
Price: $398.50
Product #: BHLML
Inside the Waist Tuckable Holster
This holster allows the wearer to wear a completely concealed small or medium sized pistol or revolv..
Price: $128.99
Product #: BHLMR
Inside the Waist Tuckable Clip Holster
This leather IWB holster is a great choice for your semi-automatic handgun. Requires only a tucked i..
Price: $128.99
Product #: BHLMR-C